Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dashain in Nepal 2009

Finally, I have the chance to celebrate Dashain in Nepal!

Nepalese people indulge in the biggest festival of the year, Dashain. Dashain is the longest and the most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar, celebrated by Nepalese of all caste and creed throughout the country. The fifteen days of celebration occurs during the bright lunar fortnight ending on the day of the full moon. Thorough out the kingdom of Nepal the goddess Durga in all her manifestations are worshiped with innumerable pujas, abundant offerings and thousands of animal sacrifices for the ritual holy bathing, thus drenching the goddess for days in blood.

In the first two days of the festival, most families will be eating meat as they offer animal sacrifices to the Gods. We had mutton in the house but we skipped the animal killing process and bought instant meat from the neighbourhood butcher instead.

On the third day, Deepak took me on an excursion to Kathmandu Durbur Square to witness the prayer crowd and soak in the festive mood. The Taleju temple at Hanuman Dhoka is opened for the public only once a year on this day. Thousands of people go and pay their respect to the goddess day. Temples of mother goddess are filled with people from dawn till dusk. On this day the official military sacrifices are held in the 'Kot' courtyard at Hanuman Dhoka. The government allows foreigners to witness this function so hundreds of tourists and diplomats eagerly gather here. Animals mostly black buffaloes are slaughtered by hundreds to honour Durga the goddess of victory and might and to seek her blessing. Military bands play war tunes, guns boom and officers with beautifully decorated medals in full uniform stand there. When the function ends the courtyard is filled ankle deep with blood. On this very day the god Vishwas Karma, the God of creativity is also worshiped. All factories, vehicles, any machinery instruments and anything from which we make a living are worshiped. The locals also give sacrifices to all moving machinery like cars, aeroplanes, trucks etc. to get the blessing from goddess Durga for protection for vehicles and their occupants against accidents during the year. The entire day is colourful.

It was a real eye opener and I bought a new set of Kuta from my favourite local market area Asan Tol. The streets were so colourful! Somehow it made me look forward to Chinese New Year back home where everyone was happy and busy for a common celebration.

The fourth day (actually the tenth day of the entire festival) is the 'Dashami'. On this day we take tika and jamara from our elders and receive their blessing. We visit our elders in their home and get tika from them while our younger ones come to our home to receive blessing from us. The importance of Dasain also lies in the fact that on this day family members from far off and distant relatives come for a visit as well as to receive tika from the head of the family. We were due to return to Singapore on this day, Hence we had scheduled our tika session in the morning.

I was really happy that we were able to spend this important festival with mom as our work and travel schedule always seem so hectic. Now we have to make sure we will be in Singapore for Chinese New Year!

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